Synopsis (Short)
On the outskirts of Houston, a teen reeling from her mom’s incarceration and an aging bullfighter struggling to keep a foothold in the rodeo circuit, form an unlikely bond and attempt to right their own paths.
Synopsis (Long)
The film centers around 14-year-old Kris (Amber Havard), who, after trashing her neighbor's house in a fit of youthful defiance, seems destined to follow in her mother's footsteps to the state penitentiary. To make amends, she is forced to help Abe Turner (Rob Morgan), an ex-bull rider scraping by on the Texas rodeo circuit, with errands at home and at his work. While traveling with Abe, she discovers a passion for bull riding. Yet, as Kris sets out to learn the dangerous sport, bad influences lure her back into delinquent ways. Meanwhile, Abe struggles with the aches and pains of growing older and aging out of the only life he has ever known. Together, Kris and Abe forge an unexpected connection, helping each other see new possibilities and hope for the future before it’s too late.
Written By
Annie Silverstein
Johnny McAllister
Annie Silverstein
Produced By
Monique Walton
Bert Marcus
Heather Rae
Ryan Zacarias
Audrey Rosenberg
Executive Producers:
Cassandra Thornton
Johnny Mcallister
Jess Jacobs
Sandhya Shardanand
Rob Morgan
Amber Havard
Yolonda Ross