Synopsis (Long)
Police discover an elite fight club where they find seven underground levels, filled with the dead bodies of fighters from around the world. Only one man is found left alive. The task force has to work out if he’s a mass murderer or the lone survivor?
Written By
James Kermack
James Kermack
Produced By
Julien Loeffler
Laurent Fumeron
Daniel Goroshko
Rodolphe Sanze
Executive Producers:
Phil Hunt
Compton Ross
Nils Rebehn
James Barton-Steel
Reinhard Besser
Walter Mair
Prakash Gurbaxani
Rohan Gurbaxani
Matthew Bradley
Ron Bradley
Sharunya Varriale.
Moe Dunford
Kate Dickie
Camille Rowe
Phil Davis
Alex Ferns
Olivier Richters
Jaime Winstone
Gethin Anthony
Sebastien Foucan