Koko: A Red Dog Story
Synopsis (Short)
This heartwarming documentary explores the life of one of Australia’s most famous canines: Koko, the Red Dog. From his years winning dog shows to starring in the award-winning film Red Dog, and becoming a major celebrity, go behind-the-scenes of how Koko became a star and captivated the hearts of dog lovers all over the world.
Synopsis (Long)
This heartwarming documentary explores the life of one of Australia’s most famous canines: Koko, the Red Dog. From his years winning dog shows to starring in the award-winning film Red Dog, and becoming a major celebrity, go behind-the-scenes of how Koko became a star and captivated the hearts of dog lovers all over the world.
Written By
Aaron McCann
Dominic Pearce
Nelson Woss
Aaron McCann
Dominic Pearce
Jason Isaacs
Sarah Woods
Toby Truslove