The Music of Silence
Synopsis (Short)
Based on the extraordinary true story of Andrea Bocelli, a blind boy, who against all odds, becomes one of the most world renowned opera singers.
Synopsis (Long)
Before he was Andrea Bocelli, he was Amos Bardi. Based on a true story, Amos is born with the gift of superb quality of voice yet he is also nearly blind. Eventually, he is separated from his family to enter an institute for the visually impaired but while there he suffers a terrible accident, resulting in total blindness. Driven by great ambition, Amos does not give up despite repeated challenges until he manages to achieve his first great success on stage. From there, he begins a life studded with victories and becomes one of the most celebrated opera singers in the world.
Written By
Anna Pavignano
Michael Radford
Michael Radford
Produced By
Roberto Sessa
Andrea Iervolino
Monika Bacardi
Motaz M. Nabulsi
Executive Producers:
Joshua Skurla
Stefano Scozzese
Oscar Generale
Toby Sebastian
Luisa Ranieri
Jordi Molla
and Antonio Banderas