The Thicket
Synopsis (Short)
Set at the turn-of-the-century, The Thicket follows an innocent young man, Jack (Hawke), who goes on an epic quest to rescue his sister Lula (Creed-Miles) after she has been kidnapped by the violent killer Cut Throat Bill (Lewis) and her gang. To save her, Jack enlists the help of a crafty bounty hunter named Reginald Jones (Dinklage), a grave-digging alcoholic son of an ex-slave (Akinnagbe), and a street-smart prostitute (Grace). The gang tracks Cutthroat Bill into the deadly no-man's land known as The Thicket - a place where blood and chaos reign. Based on the novel by Joe R. Landsdale.
Synopsis (Long)
When a bounty hunter and a band of unlikely heroes pursue a brutal killer, they find themselves in a deadly no-man’s-land known as The Thicket.
Written By
Chris Kelly
Elliott Lester
Produced By
Peter Dinklakge, David Ginsberg, Caddy Vanasirikul, Andre Lemmers, Gianni Nunnari
Peter Dinklage, Juliette Lewis, Levon Hawke, Esme Creed-Miles, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Leslie Grace, Ned Dennehy, James Hetfield, Macon Blair, Arliss Howard, David Midthunder